Synthetic / Natural Turf G-MAX Testing

Sports Turf International is one of only a few certified Gmax testers in Canada. Synthetic/Natural turf g-max testing including infill depth, reveal, fibre evaluation and documentation and life cycle replacement. Testing should include the penetrometer indicating root compaction zones.

What is Gmax?

Essentially Gmax is the measure of how much force the surface absorbs and in return, how much is returned to the athelete.

The more technical definition of Gmax = the maximum negative acceleration on impact (which is measured in G's). For example,a high Gmax reading (> 200 G) would indicate less absorption of force by the surface and consequently a high risk factor for potential head injuries and/or life threatening situations.

Why is it important to perform a Gmax test on your natural or synthetic sports field?

1. For some artificial turf surfaces an annual Gmax test is required to validate the turf warranty from the manufacturer. A proper Gmax reading helps demonstrate that the surface is being maintained correctly.

2. Demonstrates a proactive approach to safety.

3. Potentially help protect field owners from lawsuits.

Contact us today to learn more about the importance of Gmax testing your sports field.

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